Monday, March 7, 2011

5th of March Karaoke Competition and Raffle Draw results and Report

Well Well The Inaugural Pinoy Football Aid Karaoke competition And 2011 Monster Raffle has ended on Saturday and it was an event that I personally expected a lot more return for the expense and all the effort made. As we are sailing in uncharted waters and probably the lack of promotion recognition what ever.... I can speculate all day on it and may never know why and now it is just history. Definitely our next Karaoke competition structure has to be revised and adjusted no doubt or even scrap the event all together from our calendar of events in the future.
The total revenue from the contest door takings and the contestants entry fees was $1721 with total prices of approx $1400-$1500 (with the final sum TBA after the plane ticket will be purchased) so the net profit from all this effort will be about $300.00. Certainly a lot better than loosing money but considering the countless hours spent on the event this is to little.

The crowd was relatively modest as well and with only 136.5 ticket sales with all the free entrances (kids, Contestants and contestants guests and judges) was about 200 strong and far short of the expected 350-400 that I hopped for and expected to get. We had 2 tables reserved for the VIP guests and to my disappointment all but 2 did not RSVP us back and 2 tables at the front were completely empty a real sad moment for me and an eyesore to be honest with you.

Due to 2 of the contestants not showing and couple of late arrivals the show commenced late at about 7:40pm

Also we had major technical Difficulties setting up the sound and the lights and the light show was not fine tuned due to lack of time available therefore the stage lacked in light quality. with all the time spent on the sound problems encountered.

Because of all this technical delays unfortunately out of the 5 contestants that came early to do sound checks 4 unable to do them and I wold like to apologise to Ina Eriquez, Melanie Sto Thomas, Dane Rose Emalay and Marilyn Palma. Sorry to you all.

the contest went on according to plan with 2 delays due to computer freeze problem encountered and I apologise to everyone for that as well.

In relation to the competition entries I am disappointed with the response to be honest I expected a lot more but never the less that was that and all the finalists did very well and I was very satisfied with their effort and musical ability.

I would like to thank all the entrants for their support and Congratulate the Finalists and the winners for shining out on the night and they did a marvelous job as the crowd often went wild.

After the 2 rounds of eliminations and because it was getting late the judges decided that it was not necessary to go to that final round as there was no need as the 2 songs were more than ample to make the final placing decision.

I personally would have liked to see the final round but the judges made that decision and since they were volunteer professionals I had no say in it and could not override their decision in the matter.

So here are the placings:

1st Diane Rose Emalay.
2nd Edyl Salvador
3rd Joana Cabana
4th Marilyn Palma
5th Ina Eriquez
6th Johny Huckle

May I add this; The judges were professionals with extensive experience in the industry and they did not know of any of the contestants. with the exception of Johny Huckle whom is a local performer and not on a personal base.
The judges were as transparent and honest as they can be and did not favour anyone!!!!

On a sour note for the night after the awards were made the mother of one of the contestants went to 1 of the judges and confronted him by saying words of this nature " My daughter sang from the Heart and should have won and the girl that won did not"
Also have had reports from other people with people from the same entourage were claiming that the contest was rigged and they will not support this contest in the future. also may I add that the same mother send a nasty text to "Boyong".

Sorry to say but this behaviour belongs to the gutters and not people that enter in a genuine fund rising event staged by a Aid organisation.

I can assure everyone that I Sorin Clenci and all the Pinoy football Aid and its members are totally transparent accountable and stand for EQUALITY, JUSTICE AND HONESTY and never stage promote dishonest unfair bias activities what so ever. I and all involved are saddened by all this selfish and unsportsmanlike behaviour of the mother and its companions.

Final conclusion and thanks:

This event did not deliver for our organisation the revenue we expected and we encountered many technical difficulties and we also learned a lot with this occasion with the consensus that we have to go back to the drawing board reassess and attempt to fix all this shortcomings. Nevertheless from the majority of the back feed we get the people were generally happy and that is pleasing and motivates us to attempt to better that in the future but we hope to get much better response from the community also.

Would like to acknowledger and thank the following for their contribution to this event: Rayyan Roslan, Boyong Villar, Regie and Lala Nazaro, Peter Peter, Cris Andrei, Nicholas Sirbu, Sara Clenci, Jessica Clenci, Ozan, and finaly our Professional Judges on the night: Jenny Lavett, B.A., Dip Ed., LTCL. Vince Gelonese, Singer songwriter entertainer, Donald Crawford ex kj Owner and Performer.

Thank you all

Raffle draw Report:

The 2011 Monster Raflle was drawn as soon after the 2nd round was completed with the
total revenue of $2152 in ticket sales
Here are the wining Tickets:
1st prize Ticket No: 1253 Nenita D. of Chapman
2nd prize Ticket No: 854 Zosima Mabale of O'Maley
3rd prize Ticket No: 908 Laura Alder of Palmerston

Congratulations to you all and thank you for entering in the raffle.

I want to give a huge THANK YOU Boyong Villar for being the top ticket seller and also being the kind and caring person that he is...

The returns from this activities leaves us somewhat short of our target but we will work diligently to achieve our finalgoal

Thank you all

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