Sunday, April 20, 2008

January 2008 - 100 Lotto training balls delivered to various Public Schools, Individuals and teams in Cebu and Mindanao

In my 2008 trip I had the pleasure to meet some nice football people in Cebu. I have met Mr Otto, Flemming and Tony from Cebu XP and Mr Adonis Quitoy representing Santos FC and Melborne FC whom I had few discussions and given some insights on the tricky situation football was in Philippines...
That triggered me to intensify my effort and decided to try to do more for the needy youg football players whom I have seen some of them playing bare foot and embarked on collecting unwanted football shoes back here in Canberra. Also due to the excessive long grass they were playing I decided to get couple of Lawnmowers sent across....

.During my trip to Philippines in January 2008 this are the main beneficiaries of that trip
Nasipit FC Mindanao
FC Santos Cebu Men's team
Melborne FC Cebu Ladies team

Here we have Mr Flemming Hansen a Danish National that works for a charity organisation in Cebu deivering balls to various needy public Schools February 2008

We have packed 2 boxes and shiped them to Philippines back in August 2007