Tuesday, December 28, 2010

5th of December Filipino Embassy food stall fund rising activity Report

The gods have been kind to us as the rain was a major threat as the forecast was rain and more rain with clear skies not expected untill Tuesday so we did take a risk and prepared a lot of food for the event and fully aware that if the day was wet we would have risked to make no profit and even a loss was a probability.
The weather was good and we sold out all the food and we made a profit of $2.300 on the day. Fantastic achievement as this was our first fund rising activity and we did not know what to expect as we (the committee members and the helpers) never worked together before. On this occasion we had displayed our upcoming karaoke competition banner that will be held on the 5th of March at the Deakin Soccer Club and top my dismay had limited success in signing up entrants...considering the fantastic prices we have on offer and knowing well how much the Filipinos like to sing Karaoke....Nevertheless the activity was a success and would like to thank all the helpers for doing a fantastic job and would not have been possible without their commitment. A huge thank you goes to Regie and Lala, Boyong, Lolit, Nanai, Paul Matthews Bartolome Sarah and Peter Balaj.